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ΦeminismοΣ: A Retrospective in the Greek Feminist Movement and its Queer Futurity

Do., 30. März


Panel discussion

Panel discussion on the new, young, and radical queer feminist movement at the forefront of popular resistance in Greece!

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ΦeminismοΣ: A Retrospective in the Greek Feminist Movement and its Queer Futurity
ΦeminismοΣ: A Retrospective in the Greek Feminist Movement and its Queer Futurity

Zeit & Ort

30. März 2023, 19:00

Panel discussion

Über die Veranstaltung

Despite the progressive laws that were passed in Greece in the 80s, legalizing abortion and protecting women and children from violence, patriarchy is trying to roll back what has been achieved.


In a stagnating and even shrinking Greek population, women are made responsible for the decline and are pushed to reverse the trend. But feminism in Greece is not only about reproductive rights and justice or about femicides and violence against women.


The new feminists on the Greek scene are promoting intersectional perspectives and for Greece as a country that is at the heart of the migration movement from south to north, feminists in Greece call for human rights, for the abolition of borders and nation states and align with an internationalist way of understanding, living and fighting for feminism. The queer movement is an integral part of this perspective.


Online panel with Gina Farrow (she/they), performing artist, director and educator with focus on anti- discrimination and activism as well as Maria Karamoutsiou (no pronouns/she) performing artist, musician and director with focus on movement and bodywork. They are part of InterFem Collective e.V., a newly founded self-organised migrant intersectional feminist organisation in Berlin, that performs activism through art.


Our special guests Eva Papanikolaou and Gregory Pritsas from Φylis will be joining directly from Greece. Φylis, the Student Association for Gender and Equality is an independent non-profit nongovernmental organization with a vision to promote gender equality and to fight against sexism in the academic community but also within the greek society.

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